History of StampMap, step by step
Find the history of StampMap, step by step, from the launch of $STMAP to today (or almost).
These successes, but also its difficulties, you will find here all the events which marked the project, for maximum transparency.
The story is just beginning, and we will continue to write it, updating this page at least once a month.
Time displayed is UTC time
18th November 2023
The idea of StampMap was found, with the desire of the initiators to create a community, creative space, which brings together communities, and would allow to highlight Web3 and its projects/creators
Between 18th November and 15th December
Concept is well thought out, the tokenomy is well studied by the team, nothing is left to chance: the number of pixels, the ideal size of the map, the supply of $STMAP...
First StampMap sketches are made
Creation of the website to explain the concept.
The launch strategy and communication are well prepared so that the StampMap mint is explosive.
16th December
StampMap Twitter account is created.
Website is finalized.
Everything is ready for launch
17th December
9:25 p.m., the transaction to deploy the $STMAP token is launched.
All the characteristics of the token are respected: supply, max mint, ticker...
Website is ready, no other SRC20 token has a website.
18th December
Around midnight., the deployment of the token is validated.
First post on the StampMap X account
Start of discussions about StampMap and $STMAP on social networks.
Launch of a giveaway to win 3 x 90,000 $STMAP, with the aim of introducing StampMap to a larger number of people.
4:25 p.m. - the first person arrives on the telegram
5:34 p.m. – The very first STMAP mints begin
The concept and potential of StampMap is beginning to be understood
8:41 p.m. - Arrival of Mike, the creator of the stamps on the telegram
9:18 p.m. - 5% of mint completed
9:31 p.m. - first 15 holders
9:45 p.m. - 20% minted, the mint is starting to get carried away
10:06 p.m. - the mint starts to make a lot of noise
10:16 p.m. - 30% of mint completed
10:25 p.m. - 40% of mint completed
10:33 p.m. - Tweet from Prestito Crypto announcing that it has mint 900k tokens
10:38 p.m. - 56% of mint completed
10:45 p.m. - 60% of mint completed
10:49 p.m. - 70% of mint completed
10:56 p.m. - 90% of mint completed
11:03 p.m. – SOLD OUT! $STMAP is considered the most impressive mint by the SRC20 community in terms of speed and number of mints.
11:34 p.m. – Mint hits 130%. Many people have missed the mint, many mints are unfortunately invalidated.
19th December
12:33 a.m. - Introduction to the secondary market: 15 sats
1:04 a.m. - The floor price is already starting to increase: 18 sats
1:16 a.m. - Mike makes a post about StampMap
1:29 a.m. - purchases on the secondary market are racing: jump to 75 sats ($0.032)
1,56 a.m. - the floor price reaches $0.10 - 250 sats for a few minutes, due to very few listings (10M marketcap)
2:23 a.m. - 84 members in the telegram
2:31 a.m. - numerous listings are made following the sudden increase, $STMAP returns to 3M marketcap
2:34 a.m.- The value of the tokens put into play for the giveaway (270k) are worth more than 8k dollars, making the competition even more attractive.
3:00 a.m. - Mike asks to be contacted by the StampMap devs to put him in touch with the stamp devs.
4:00 a.m. - The hype following the mint calms down, the telegram becomes less
4:47 a.m. Listing on OpenStamp, only a few hours after the sale.
STMAP is already positioned in 4th position in the SRC20 ranking by marketcap
8:30 a.m. - 146 holders reached
11:30 p.m. - STMAP is around $2.3M
1:15 p.m. - Contact with Mike
2 p.m. - The StampMap initiators will finally get some sleep, after more than 36 hours awake.
8:15 p.m. - Already 1,450 visits to the website
10:30 p.m. - Publications of the first big thread to recap the events of the mint, and announce what is coming for the project
10:50 p.m. - 185 holders reached
20th December
We are joining a telegram group with many stamps/SRC20 developers, thanks to Mike.
8:23 a.m. - the marketcap is now at 45SAT for 1.7M capitalization, after a correction
4:25 p.m. - In a few hours the number of holders has doubled, the volume is impressive, the marketcap has risen to 2.5M for 230 holders
21th December
250 holders reached
StampMap logo now displays on Stampscan and OpenStamp
22th December
Number of holders continues to increase, as does the price of $STMAP
23th December
10BTC volume reached on Stampscan and OpenStamp combined
A community member is hosting a contest with $4,000 STMAP up for grabs.
The website is now available in 6 different languages
Second thread published with the first models/design of the platform revealed
STMAP continues to rise quietly, while the general market is falling.
320 holders reached
800 followers reached on X
24th December
$STMAP is at 125 sats - $0.055
STMAP still experiences a high transaction volume, just after STAMP in the ranking by volume.
1000 followers are reached on X
25th December
Announcement of the 3 winners of the competition (3x90k $STMAP), each winner receives the equivalent of 5k dollars in $STMAP. Not bad for Christmas, right?
5M marketcap reached.
26th December
Already more than 3000 visits to the website
300 members on telegram
380 holders reached
New thread published to monitor the development of the project
27th December
Coinranking, OpenStamp and StampScan are made available directly on the StampMap website - Coinranking retweeted.
1 sale at $10k (200k tokens for 0.25BTC)
$STMAP climbs to $0.075
28th December
1 sale of 1k $STMAP at 470 sats ($0.20)
STMAP is approaching $0.10.
29th December
$STMAP at 9M marketacap, close to $KEVIN at 13M
End of aggressive marketing and communication on the price of the token, requested by the community.
1 pixel is now worth $100
450 holders reached
Publication of a survey to determine the formatting of the WP, currently being written.
First concrete exchanges with developers for the development of StampMap, in particular with certain stamps/SRC20 developers
30th December
New big thread with progress monitoring, announcement of the development plan very well received by the community!
$STMAP officially reaches 10M market cap.
31th December
Calm day for the end of the year, the team rests a little from the last hectic days.
1st January
Publication of the whitepaper, the first whitepaper published for an SRC20 token, making StampMap the first major SRC20 project.
2nd January
The Twitter account is unfortunately attacked and suspended because of a malicious person, who then tries to scam the community. The team will quickly keep the community informed of the situation. Despite numerous disputes with X, the account cannot be recovered.
A new Twitter account is created, so as not to lose connection with members of the community who are not on Telegram.
3rd January
Ask the community what projects they would like to see collaborate with StampMap. The team wants to regain visibility following the loss of the X account.
$STMAP corrects to $0.085 - 198 sats
4th January
First call with Coseso, the development company that is now working with us.
Returns and receipt of quotes from other devs contacted
$STMAP drops to $0.06
5th January
STMAP suffered a sharp correction to $0.043
Contact with numerous projects for the organization of a big giveaway, with the aim of gaining new subscribers on the networks, and countering the negative effects of the attack on Twitter a few days earlier.
6th January
All the projects contacted accept collaboration for the giveaway
The Sweepwidget is configured
Creation of a group with all the co-organizers
7th January
Focused on organizing the giveaway and setting up prizes.
8th January
Second call with Coseso, very conclusive.
Launch of the big giveaway, the positive effects are immediate.
9th January
Signature of the development contract with Coseso
10th January
$STMAP, however, continues to decline, reaching $0.04
11th January
New call with Coseso to talk more concretely about development, and organize our collaboration.
12th January
13th January
New big development monitoring thread, details of the collaboration with Coseso and the different development stages to come
14th January
Drawing of the winners of the big giveaway live on telegram for total transparency. All lots will be sent the following days.
15th January
Big tweet summarizing the entire project, published in 4 different languages.
18th January
$STMAP price tracking is available on OKX
Huge sweep on STMAP, price goes from $0.035 to $0.07
1 purchase at 20k dollars, for 0.5BTC
19th January
Price tracking of the SRC20 is finally deactivated by OKX which must modify its code.
$STMAP appears on the podium for the best performances in 24 hours on the Gateio X account
20th January
New call with Coseso, report on the first tasks carried out
Overview of figma, software allowing the graphic development of the StampMap platform
23th January
Gateio integrates the SRC20 protocol on its Web3 platform, STMAP comes in second position in terms of volume
New thread about the project
600 holders reached
25th January
Request for listing from around twenty exchanges
26th January
$STMAP is the second SRC20 to be listed on Coingeko, just after $STAMP.
27th January
OKX comments under a post mentioning $STMAP as one of the best SRC20 projects
29th January
STMAP once again appears among the best performing tokens in a tweet from Gateio
STMAP is added in the SRC20 category of Coingeko, alone with STAMP
1st February
Updated the whitepaper with the addition of development information
3rd February
$STMAP is displayed on ByBit
4th February
1000 subscribers on the new Twitter account
STMAP passes the total volume of 30BTC on OpenStamp
5th February
$STMAP is now visible in OKX Web3 and OKX wallet
Rewarding the most active community members with BitDragon WL
7th February
Proposal of a suggestion from the community, concerning the financing of a listing on CEX for STMAP with donations from the community
To be continued...